
Building credit can be a crucial journey towards achieving financial stability and access to future opportunities. 

Whether it’s financing a home, acquiring a vehicle, or even obtaining better interest rates on loans, a solid credit history is essential.


However, for many, the process can seem intimidating or unclear. Fortunately, with some simple and practical strategies, you can effectively build and strengthen your credit. 

In this text, we’ve gathered the main tips on how to build credit. Follow along and discover!


Pay Your Bills on Time

Paying your bills on time is one of the most important aspects of building and maintaining a good credit history.

When you pay your bills promptly, you demonstrate to lenders that you are reliable and responsible with your finances. This helps to build a solid and trustworthy reputation in the credit market.

Even a single late payment can have a significant impact on your credit score, affecting your future ability to obtain loans with favorable rates.

Therefore, it is essential to prioritize paying your bills within the established deadline.

If necessary, you can set up reminders or even automatic payments to ensure that your bills are paid on time.

This practice not only helps build credit but also promotes healthier financial management and avoids interest charges and additional fees for late payments.

Maintain Good Credit Habits

Having good credit habits is essential for those who want to know how to build credit and maintain solid financial health.

This involves a series of responsible financial practices that contribute to a positive credit history and a good credit score.

When using credit, whether through credit cards, personal loans, or financing, it is important to do so responsibly.

This means not exceeding your credit limit, keeping a low balance relative to your available limit, and paying your bills in full and on time.

Avoid relying too heavily on credit, as this can lead to excessive debt and compromise your ability to make payments.

Having a diverse mix of credit types can also be beneficial to your credit score.

Having a variety of credit types in your history shows lenders that you are capable of managing different types of financial obligations.

Keep an eye on your credit report and credit score. This allows you to be aware of any suspicious activity or errors that may negatively affect your score.

There are various services available that offer free credit monitoring or for a nominal fee.

Additionally, you are entitled to a free copy of your credit report from each of the major credit bureaus once a year, according to current legislation.

If you identify any incorrect information on your credit report, it is crucial to correct it immediately.

Errors can harm your credit score and your ability to obtain credit in the future.

Contact the relevant credit bureau to start the dispute process and ensure that your credit report is accurate and up-to-date.

Get a Secured Credit Card

Acquiring a secured credit card can be an effective strategy for building or rebuilding credit, especially if you have limited or damaged credit history.

A secured credit card is an option offered by many financial institutions for people who have difficulty getting approved for traditional credit cards due to a weak or nonexistent credit history.

To secure approval, the applicant needs to make a security deposit, usually equal to the credit limit of the card.

This deposit serves as a guarantee for the financial institution, reducing the risk associated with providing credit.

After making the security deposit, you will receive a credit card with a limit equal to or close to the amount of the deposit.

You can use the secured credit card in the same way you would use a traditional credit card.

The main differences are that the security deposit protects the lender in case of default, and that, generally, the secured credit card may have annual fees or other associated fees.

Monitoring your credit allows you to see how your financial actions are impacting your score and identify areas for improvement.

Therefore, acquiring a secured credit card can be an important step to start your credit-building journey or rebuild your credit history.

Become an Authorized User

Becoming an authorized user on someone else’s credit card account can be a strategy to build credit or expand your access to credit.

An authorized user is someone who is authorized by the main account holder to use the credit card, but is not responsible for paying the balance.

The main account holder is solely responsible for paying the credit card bills, regardless of who made the purchases.

To become an authorized user, you will need to be added to another person’s credit card account as authorized by the main holder.

This usually involves the main holder contacting the credit card issuer and providing your name and other necessary information to add you as an authorized user.

Once added, you will receive your own credit card linked to the main account, with your own card number, but the expenses will be reflected on the main holder’s statement.

Becoming an authorized user can be an effective way to build or strengthen your credit history.

If the main account holder has a good payment history and uses the card responsibly, these positive credit habits can be reflected in your credit report as an authorized user.

This can help increase your credit score over time, especially if you have a limited or inexperienced credit history.

Maintain Different Types of Accounts

Having a variety of accounts in your credit history demonstrates to lenders your ability to manage different types of financial obligations.

This can result in a higher credit score and greater confidence from lenders in your ability to make payments.

Additionally, having a diverse mix of accounts can help offset weak areas in your credit history and provide a more comprehensive view of your financial health.

You can have various types of credits, such as credit cards, personal loans, auto loans, mortgages, and others.

Pay More Than the Minimum Payment

One of the main reasons to pay more than the minimum payment is to reduce the total cost of credit over time.

When you only pay the minimum payment on your credit card bills, you are subject to interest on the remaining balance.

This interest can accumulate quickly, especially if you have a high interest rate.

By paying more than the minimum, you reduce the outstanding balance more quickly and, consequently, pay less interest over time.

Paying more than the minimum payment can help accelerate the payoff of your debt.

By making larger payments, you reduce the principal balance more quickly, which means you can pay off your debt in less time.

This can provide a sense of accomplishment and financial freedom, in addition to freeing up more money for other expenses or financial goals.

Another advantage of paying more than the minimum is that it can improve your credit score.

A significant part of your credit score is based on your ratio of credit card balance to available credit limit, known as credit utilization.

The lower your credit utilization, the better for your score. By paying more than the minimum and reducing your outstanding balance, you can lower your credit utilization and potentially increase your credit score.

Now that you know how to build credit, put these tips into practice to achieve better financial health. And see more tips on our website.